Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hydrofracking Exposed: Photojournalists Visit Dimock, PA

Carter Road, Dimock, PA
Two college students from RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology), photojournalists Ellie and Lauren visited Dimock, PA, and Silver Lake, PA, on February 10-11, 2012, to learn for themselves about the effects of hydrofracking on this area.  They have done a superb job of capturing the essence of what Gasland is all about.  Their concern for this beautiful area of Pennsylvania and their dedication to opposing hydrofracking everywhere is inspiring.

Day One, Part One
Day One, Part Two: Carter Road
Day Two: Silver Lake


Liz said...

Thank you for posting this photo essay. Is it possible to share this posts on Facebook?

Peacegirl said...

Liz- thanks for your post! I will put my post on Facebook. If you wish to also post it, just click on the title of my post and then copy the URL. That should do it.
