Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Vera Scroggins: Grandmother Against Fracking

Vera's Update On Her Pending Court Date:

This is her update:
"My next court date is a trial date for a civil trial on Oct. 29th at 9 am. at the Montrose Courthouse, Montrose, Pa. 18801. My three lawyers, one from ACLU in Pa., one from Public Citizen in Washington, DC. and a private Pa. attorney, will be defending me and working to lessen my restrictions or remove them and show the Judge that I am not a danger to Cabot or their workers .   This is a civil trial with no jury; it will be public and public is encouraged to attend; come and witness and bring signs for display outside of the court room.  And we can meet afterward for lunch across the road from Courthouse at Mazar's Restaurant.  Cabot lawyers charged that I am a danger to Cabot , their workers, myself and those I bring on my Citizen Gas Tours; I've been doing this for five years and no one has been hurt, except the image of Cabot. Cabot is the Danger with 566 DEP Violations for 427 Active Wells in our county so far....and counting....

I am under the second, temporary Injunction, which prohibits me from going within 100' of any Cabot Gas Development Sites and any Cabot access road to their sites.  I have been under an Injunction with Cabot since Oct. 22, 2013.

Even though, I've been touring gas sites in the county peacefully for five years, and now , Cabot claims dangers and files a lawsuit without ever sending me any notices or requests to cease and desist .  Cabot had no signs at the entrances stating : "no trespassing"  Now they do after the Injunction and plastered "no trespassing" signs on all their sites."

 Vera's civil trial date: October 29, 2014
Montrose County Courthouse
Montrose, PA
The public is encouraged to attend.

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