Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ginormous Compressor Station: Wyalusing, PA

A massive site, still under construction. The Compressor on the left (west) is the CNYOG.
The smaller compressor nearest the road (to the south, or bottom of the photo) seems to be an existing compressor for the TGP300 line. The rest of the complex, with several additional large compressors is apparently in support of the TGP300 Northeast Upgrade Project.

 Check out Bill Huston's blog report here. You will find many maps and pictures (which I can't put up here easily!).  Well worth checking out for yourself. 
If you are a member of the Hutchinson family, as I am, this compressor station is across the river from Frenchtown, not very far as the crow flies.  The air pollution from compressor stations is very significant. Also light and noise pollution.  But I am mainly concerned about the air quality.  Our property is not safe with a compressor station like this nearby.  But we may not smell or see anything.  It is there nonetheless.  Yes, we have been fracked on our property.  No, we don't have wells, but we have been fracked, if you get my drift.  Drilling is so much more than just fracking.  The industry would have us focus on fracking only, while it goes about its business of ruining the environment and our property forever.  No going back.
Links to more information:
And you can search this blog for many more posts from the last few years. Use the "Search this blog" feature.


  1. It was really tough, after learning a bit about fracking, to see all of the ribbons all around Camp. This new blight on the landscape will be much brighter and noisier and possibly smellier than the wells themselves. I do not understand how we can continue to spoil the beauties of nature forever for the sake of a few years of fossil fuels (which will most likely be exported to the highest bidder- don't let them kid you about this stuff being for America). I mourn for the beauties which have been compromised and destroyed and pray that we can change somehow before all of our forests and fields and water are changed forever into unusable and unattractive things.

  2. From what I've observed, compression stations have a REALLY negative impact on people anywhere near them- the lights; the noise; the smell; all the pollutants (which way is the wind blowing today?).
