Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gas Drilling: Another Deadly Pipeline Explosion in Texas

It has been a deadly few days in Texas.  Two natural gas pipeline explosions took the lives of 3 gas drilling workers.  The latest blast occurred today (6/8) in Darrouzett, Texas (270 miles northeast of Lubbock).  In addition to the two who were killed, three workers were injured, but not seriously.  Five men were moving clay from a pit near the pipeline when a bulldozer struck it, causing the explosion.

Watch the VIDEO REPORT here.


  1. These tragic accidents were not related to oil or natural gas exploration. The first accident occured when an electrical utility company punctured a pipeline near Fort Worth, TX while installing power line poles. The second accident occured when men working in a caliche pit hit a pipeline with a dozer. In both cases, the contractors were aware that they were working near pipeline right-of-ways. The lines were well marked. None of the men who lost their lives were "gas drilling workers".

  2. Anonymous- What you say is true. However, the thousands of gas wells being drilled will necessitate miles of new pipelines which will create a vast increase in pipeline problems, including explosions. Pipelines are not well maintained and monitored. They will pose more and more of a danger to the public. No, the deaths and injuries were not related to oil or gas exploration. They were related to pipelines which are an integral part of the oil and gas industry.
