Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How Hilary Clinton's State Department Sold Fracking to the World

I want a woman to be president.  Hilary is running for president.  Can I support her?  Here is an article that appeared in Mother Jones last fall. An excerpt:

"One icy morning in February 2012, Hillary Clinton's plane touched down in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, which was just digging out from a fierce blizzard. Wrapped in a thick coat, the secretary of state descended the stairs to the snow-covered tarmac, where she and her aides piled into a motorcade bound for the presidential palace. That afternoon, they huddled with Bulgarian leaders, including Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, discussing everything from Syria's bloody civil war to their joint search for loose nukes. But the focus of the talks was fracking."

Hilary Clinton also urged Romanian officials to give fracking another chance.  She bent over backwards to encourage Bulgarian officials to go forward with fracking, including sending her special envoy for energy in Eurasia to stop fracking bans. With her help, Romania's parliament voted down its proposed fracking ban and Bulgaria's eased its moratorium.

Mrs. Clinton worked very hard to promote and spread fracking around the globe.  She employed the services of David Goldwyn as her special envoy for international energy affairs.  He had a long history of promoting drilling overseas- both as a Department of Energy official under Bill Clinton and as a representative of the oil industry.

I am very, very, very concerned about Hilary Clinton's position on fracking worldwide and, of course, global climate change.  I think it is painfully obvious that she is not going to promote sustainable energy policies.  And that is very unfortunate.

Here is the link to the article:

We may have to sort out what we can live with when choosing our next president, and having a woman occupy the office may not be the most important consideration.

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