Friday, February 21, 2014

Geology Rules!: Dr. Anthony Ingraffea

Published on Feb 7, 2014

Okay, this is a full lecture and takes an hour and a half!  Listen to as much as you have time for!  There is a prize for anyone who gets to the end!!!  (Prize:  The satisfaction of giving the time to an important issue!)

In this talk, Anthony Ingraffea explores myths and realities concerning large-scale development of the unconventional natural gas/oil resource in shale deposits. On a local scale, these concern geological aspects of the plays, and the resulting development and use of directional drilling, high-volume, slickwater, hydraulic fracturing, multi-well patterned-cluster pad arrangements, and the impacts of these technologies on waste production and disposal, and possible contamination of water supplies. On a global scale, the talk addresses the cumulative impact of unconventional gas development on greenhouse gas loading of the atmosphere. Finally, Ingraffea discusses green alternatives to shale gas.

Anthony Ingraffea is the Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering and Weiss Presidential Teaching Fellow at Cornell University where he has been since 1977. His research concentrates on computer simulation and physical testing of complex fracturing processes. He has authored with his students and research associates over 250 papers in these areas, and is Director of the Cornell Fracture Group.

Albert S. Colman, assistant professor in the University of Chicago Department of Geophysical Sciences, introduced Ingraffea.

This event is presented by the Center for International Studies, the Program on the Global Environment and the Environment, Agriculture and Food Working Group as part of "Global Energies: A Public Inquiry into the Ecology, Science and Politics of Energy in the 21st Century."

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