Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hagy Fracking Lawsuit: February 2013

Published on Feb 19, 2013
Pictures & a taped call admitting guilt tell 1,000 words. This movie illustrates how fracking's "catch-22" shields natural gas companies and allows landowners to become collateral damage. The Hagy family in West Virginia had lived for 20 years on 81 rural acres and their water well was tainted and the family became sick after 3 "fracking" wells were drilled in 2008. The family has since vacated their property. SHOW THIS MOVIE TO YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS and ask for smarter state fracking regulations that level the playing field for all parties involved in fracking.

Read the article HERE.

“We just want our day in court.”
      Dusty Hagy of Romance, West Virginia
"In 1989, Dusty and Tamera Hagy bought 81 rural acres in Jackson County, West Virginia. Twenty-one years later, the Hagys sued 4 natural gas drilling firms alleging the natural gas wells drilled on their property in 2008 contaminated their drinking water and caused physical harm."


Video by Laura Peltier.  Many thanks, Laura.

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