Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Real Cost Of Fracking: Jenny

Jenny and her family live in Punxsutawney, PA. In 1983, she and her fiance bought a farm. They got married on their farm and gave birth to their children at home there. They have an organic garden and grow blueberries. Their neighbor, who does not live in PA, but rather lives in Colorado, leased to EOG Resources. Jenny found out some bad things about what was coming to the land next to hers. She called the PA DEP and asked them not to approve the permit. But, of course, the DEP told her it was there duty to approve the permit as long as the gas company met all requirements.

Listen to this short video and hear what Jenny is worried about.

The video was filmed and edited by Kellan Davidson. For more information, go to the Coalition To Protect New York.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Jenny is just plain out of luck. As long as there is money to be made, these companies will trample over peoples' retirement homes and livelihoods to get it. I have never heard of a gas company ADMITTING to planning to bury the toxic waste onsite. Do they just blatantly admit their intentions of poisoning the area now?
