Friday, March 11, 2011

Water Buffalo Water Freezes at Bradford County, PA, Home

So your water goes bad.  The gas company provides you with a 1100 gallon plastic container called a buffalo tank.  It sits attractively in your front yard.  But strangely it turns cold in the winter!  Water freezes.  You have no water for 15 days.  This was the recent experience of Jason and Janet Otis who live near Terrytown, PA.  Last August their water was ruined when a gas well was drilled about 500 feet from their home.  The problem, which doesn't really ever go away, is still making a shambles of their daily life.  The Otis family was initially enthusiastic about gas drilling in their neighborhood.  Now with no good water, they are in a quandry about the next step.  Should they sell their home to Chesapeake Energy Corporation?  Should they accept the offer of a filtration system?  They say that is the last thing they want.

Read more: LINK

Here is a response from Chesapeake Energy which refutes just about everything the Otis family is claiming:

1 comment:

  1. It freezes in winter? There is NO EXCUSE for leaving a family without water for 15 days. Chesapeake energy is a heartless company.
